How to play

How to Play Chipz

The Golf Game Within a Game

Chipz adds a fun twist to your round of golf, creating a game within the game!

The set includes 30 unique Chipz: 25 penalty Chipz and 5 reward Chipz, each affecting your score—and wallet.

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How It Works

There’s only one of each Chip in the game, and the Chipz move between players as penalties or rewards occur.

Example Play:

Let’s say John, Tom, Chris, and Matt are playing together. John hits his ball into a tree, earning himself the Monkey Chip as a penalty.

When Tom takes his shot and also hits a tree, John hands the Monkey Chip over to Tom.Similarly, reward Chipz works the same way.

For instance, if Chris sinks a birdie and earns the Birdie Chip, but Matt also makes birdie, Chris passes the Birdie Chip to Matt.

Penalties & Rewards:

Penalty Chipz have negative values, meaning they’ll cost you money, while reward Chipz have positive values and earn you cash.

At the end of the round, everyone tallies their Chipz, and players settle up based on the Chipz they’ve held.

High-Stakes Moments:

A single hole can rack up multiple Chipz. Imagine this: After his birdie, Chris tees off on the 9th hole and slices into the trees, earning the Monkey Chip (hitting a tree) and the Frog Chip (hitting a hazard), for a $10 penalty.

As things worsened, Chris then 3-putts, claiming the Snake Chip (3-putt), bringing his total to a $15 penalty on that hole alone!

Fortunately for Chris, Tom also 3-putts, allowing Chris to pass the Snake Chip over, lowering his penalty to $10.

Chipz Get Passed Along:

Chipz always transfers to the next player when a matching event happens.

In Chris and Tom’s case, Chris 3-putted first, so he handed the Snake Chip to Tom. Had Tom putt first, Chris would’ve kept it.

Chipz Rules


See the image beside for the meaning of chipz.

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The Golf Game Within a Game!

Customizing Chipz

While each Chip has a suggested dollar value, these are just guidelines. Players can decide whether to use the full set of Chipz or just select a few.

At the end of the round, players can divvy up the pot however they choose—perhaps putting it all on the bar!